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Q: How did the south African government establish the apartheid state?
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When did South African government start apartheid?

in 1948

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Why did the south African government change its policie of apartheid?

Because they were racist.

What help to end the Apartheid in South Africa?

AN oil embargo helped end apartheid in South Africa. Another thing that helped end apartheid was that in 1991 the South African government repealed apartheid laws.

What was the name of the South African's government plan of segregation in the twentieth century?


What was the name of the south African government's plan of segregation during the twentieth century?


Where did the Apartheid take place?

Apartheid ("apartness") was a policy of the South African government (National Party) (NP) from 1948 to 1994. The purpose was to keep the various races apart.

Why did the white monority government of south Africa establish the apartheid?

They were very under developed. They had a natural urge and tendency to separate themselves.

When did south African apartheid ended?


Where did the South African apartheid take place?

in south africa

Which south African president started the dismantling of the apartheid system?

Nelson Mandela is the former South African president who started dismantling the Apartheid system.

Who sponsored Apartheid in South Africa?

Apartheid was not something to be sponsored. It was a policy of (theoretically) separate development of the races and was imposed by the South African government, then controlled by conservative Caucasians, mostly descended from the Boers (Dutch migrants to South Africa).