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Q: How did the soviet union turn agriculture into an industy?
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What did Stalin want to transform the Soviet Union into?

Stalin's goal was to turn the Soviet Union into a military and industrial superpower. Joseph Stalin ruled the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1952.

What did Lenin turn the country of Russian into?

The U.S.S.R., or the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Why did the soviet union turn against the peace treaty?

because they touch themselves at night

What is something important JFK did while he was president?

One major thing that he did that was often overlooked is when he told the Soviet Union to turn their ships full of nuclear missles that they were shipping to Cuba. And the Soviet Union did.

why Did the Soviet Union turn to Communism in the Cold war?

The Soviet Union was already communist during the cold war. Stalin rose and took power as a dictator and he was a communist. Therefore, under communist rule, all of Soviet Russia was forced to become communist.

Why did Asia and Africa turn to the Soviet Union rather than the US for support?

because the Russian empire told them 2

When did the USSR turn into Russia?

1991 The USSR did not "turn into Russia." The USSR was a collection of many separate republics into one nation much like the United States is a collection of individual states into one nation. In 1991, the USSR broke up into 15 separate nations one of which was the Russian Federation.

What two leaders took control of the Soviet Union when Khrushchev was removed?

Leonid Brezhnev succeeded Nikita Khrushchev and was, in turn, succeeded by Yuri Andropov.

In 1962 the United states almost went to war because the Soviet Union placed missiles in which nation?

The Soviet Union sent ships loaded with missiles to Cuba. The United States of America stood resolved and firm, forcing the Russians to turn their ships around at the last minute, and head back to Russia.

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Those who worked in the former USSR are most likely to turn Uhuru into a client state, because they have vested interests. -

Did China support Khmer Rouge in Cambodia?

Yes. The Khmer Rouge was backed by the PRC, which is also what led to the Sino-Vietnamese War. Vietnam invaded Cambodia and expelled the PRC-backed Khmer Rouge, and this in turn triggered the war between Vietnam (who remained aligned with the Soviet Union) and China (who had a major split with the Soviet Union between the 1950s and 1970s).

What type of economic system did Russia turn to in the 1990s?

When the Soviet Union lost power in 1991, Russia abandoned it's socialist government and turned to democracy and took up the title of the Russian Federation.