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Hawaii was under an Monarchy, a queen. Other governments wanted Hawaii because it was good for ports and very nice land. The different governments came to Hawaii to start a war. The queen did not want her people to be killed so she surrendered. She was brought to jail and ended up dying waiting for justice. The United States was the highest bidder, so we acquired Hawaii in 1959.

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12y ago

the u.s. forcefully took it Hawaii became a state of the United States by virtue of the people there petitioning to join. The fact that the Dole Pineapple Company had a great deal of economic influence there didn't hurt, either.

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13y ago

The US gained Hawaii through an annexation technically, but really Hawaii was conquered by America.

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In 1898 as a Territory by Act of Congress.

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It was an Independent Kingdom, The Republic of Hawaii and the Territory of Hawaii before it became a US State.

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Hawaii is in the US. If you mean distance between the CONTIGUOUS US and Hawaii, the answer would be approximately 2500 miles