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Q: How did the treaty of Guadalupe hidalgo lead up to the civil war?
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California belonged to Mexico before th Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

Who lead the Mexican revoution?

father hidalgo

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Which country did hidalgo lead to independence?

Mexico (I'm pretty sure...)

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Treaty of Versailles

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the lead of the civil war was slavery

Who lead the Treaty of Paris?

General Edward Braddock

What did the Treaty of Versailles lead to?

The instalation of Hitler and WW2

What did this lead to on the western front.?

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Who lead Mexico to independence?

During the first years of Mexico's fight for independence, father Miguel Hidalgo led such revolution.

Who lead the South into the Civil War?

Jefferson Davis was the President of the Confederate States of America. ______________ But he did not lead the south into the Civil War he led them DURING the civil war.

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Abraham Linclon lead the Civil War.