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Q: How did the views of John C. Calhoun and Daniel Webster differ?
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How did Daniel Webster and Andrew Jackson differ in their views?

Daniel Webster and Andrew Jackson differed in their views on several key issues. Webster advocated for a stronger central government and a more conservative interpretation of the Constitution, while Jackson favored states' rights and a more expansive interpretation of executive power. Additionally, Webster was a staunch supporter of protective tariffs and national banks, while Jackson opposed these policies and championed the interests of common farmers and workers.

How did Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoun differ their views about state rights and sectionalism?

Calhoun supported State's rights and Jackson favored Strong Government

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Calhoun of the South-Webster of the North-Clay of the West John C. Calhoun spoke for the south. Calhoun had supported the war of 1812(he was a war hawk) Like many southerners, he was a firm defender of slavery. In general he opposed policies that would strengthen the power of the federal government. Daniel Webster was from the North. Like many new englanders, Webster opposed the war of 1812. He would refuse to vote for taxes to pay for the war effort. After the war, he wanted the federal government to take a larger role in building the nation's economy. Webster thought that slavery was evil. Henry Clay spoke for the west. You have already met clay as a leader of the war hawks, who pushed war against Britain in 1812. Clay strongly favored a more active role for the central government in promoting the Country's growth.

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No, but John C. Calhoun was Andrew Jackson's vice president whan Jackson was President. Unfortunately, John C. Calhoun seceded because Andrew Jackson and him had different views about the law.

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