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Q: How did trebuchets gradually change the design for castles?
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How did the normans change the designs of castles?

how did the normans change the design of the castle

When did the design of Motte and Bailey castles start to change?

in 1088

How did castles change and improve since 1066?

htey changed in design by making more walls and draw bridges

Why did the design of a Motte and Bailey Castle start to Change?

The design of the motte and bailey castle changed due to the strategies of attack improving and developing. for e.g. burning the castles down became a vast attack strategy and this led to the design changing to square keep castles, which where made of stone.

What was the design of Norman castles?


Why did castles design and construction change in the period of Norman England?

the Normans changed the design because they thought the defence system was weak so in order to save them selfes they built bigger, stronger and more powerful castles wich we can still see today.

Why did the design of a stone keep castle start to change?

because concentric castles were better, and there was a strong defensive entrance. hope this helps xxx

Why did castle design and construction change during the period of Norman England?

Because what castles used to be made of were not as strong as they are made of now because they had to develop the structure because the weapons that were used against castles in wars had developed stronger aswell!

How did new ideas in castle defenses lead to the changes in design of castles?

because they have different people in charge of different castles and one persons idea was the best so castles changed for ever.

Why did the castles change in their design through out the middle ages?

Weapons got better and gun powder was used. The old wooden mott and bailey couldn't stand against gunpowder so they had to change for the same level of defense.

How and why did they change from the original motte and bailey wooden design?

the motte and bailey was easy to burn and so they went on to stone castles ( wich had more defense but took more time to build)

When and why did the design of motte and bailey start to change?

Motte and Bailey castles were made into 'Shell Keeps'. Usually, they would have a stone crust put on their wooden wall.