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Q: How did us partitioning in southwest Asia after the breakup of the Ottoman empire lead to regional conflict?
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The dividing of southwest asia by the european power after the fall of the ottoman impire, after world war 1

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what does partitioning mean???dividing something in if someone could please give the answer to the original question? How did European partitioning in the Middle East after the break up of the Ottoman Empire lead to regional conflict?

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the ottoman empire

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The Ottoman and Safavid empires faced frequent conflict with each other over control of the South Caucasus and Mesopotamia.

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defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I

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The breakup of the Ottoman Empire and Western interest in the region!

How did European partitioning in southwest Asia lead to conflict?

After World War, the League of Nations granted mandates to England and France to control the areas left after the defeat of the former Ottoman Empire. European leaders partitioned the region based on resources and coveted areas, rather than along tradtional ethnic borders, leaving some groups with no homeland. Many Arabs who helped defeat the Ottomans thought that they would be rewarded by the victorious Allies, but were left bitter when they were not. Some groups still believe that their land was taken from them as a result of these artificial political boundaries.

How did Europeans partitioning in Southwest Asia lead to religious conflict?

After World War, the League of Nations granted mandates to England and France to control the areas left after the defeat of the former Ottoman Empire. European leaders partitioned the region based on resources and coveted areas, rather than along tradtional ethnic borders, leaving some groups with no homeland. Many Arabs who helped defeat the Ottomans thought that they would be rewarded by the victorious Allies, but were left bitter when they were not. Some groups still believe that their land was taken from them as a result of these artificial political boundaries.

What the crimean war begun as a conflict between russia and which middle east empire?

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