

How do Amoebas help humans?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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they help in soil formation,help in human body.etc

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Q: How do Amoebas help humans?
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Is the amoebas helpful or harmful to humans?

Can be both harmful and helpful. They can be harmful to humans because, many types of amoebas can carry diseases, and some can feed on human tissue. They can get into our body by, contaminated food and contaminated water. Amoebas are also helpful because they are part of the food chain.

Should you be worried if you touched a slide with amoebas but not the water with the amoebas and then touched your eye HELP FAST please?

get to the doctors as soon as possible

What are the useful effects of amoeba?

What are the long term effects of an amoeba in humans?

Why are living things are different as single celled amoebas and multicelled humans both considered to be organisms?

living things as different a single celled amoebas and multivalued humans both considered are both living and an organism must contain at least some Tye of living things.

Amoebas are classified as?

Amoebas are classified as protists.

What is an amoebas purpose in life?

While amoebas are only single celled protozoa, some types are beneficial to their enviorment while others can be quite harmful. Amoebas can be found in both fresh and salt water, soil, and as parasites in animals. The most common amoebas, like the ones you usually see in science lab in schools, feed on decaying matter at the bottom of streams. The amoebas that are parasites can be quite dangerous to humans and animals, causing severe infections.Read more:

Why do amoebas live?

Amoebas live because god made them.

What pushes amoeba and means false feet?

Amoebas have false feet or pseudopods to help the amoeba move. Amoebas uses their "false feet" to capture food and to find shelter.

What taxes do amoebas have?

Amoebas have taxes similar to speed or direction of movement

How do amoebas reproduce asexually?

Amoebas reproduce asexually by means of binary fission.

Do amoebas have vacuoles?

Yes, amoebas do have cell membranes