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it depends on the extent of your crime

you usally have to not commit any crime in the next two years and then ask officer about getting records expunged

Another View: (in the US) Sex crimes are NOTexpungable.

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Q: How do I get a felony carnal knowledge of a juvenile charge expunged off my record?
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What is cardinal knowledge of a juvenile?

If your question is "What is carnal knowledge of a juvenile?", it is having intimate sexual contact, possibly including intercourse, with a juvenile. It sounds as if you are quoting a criminal charge. If so, the charge may be statutory rape or sexual assault of a minor.

Can you have a manslaughter charge expunged from your juvenile record this happened 17 years ago with nothing there after?


Can I join the military with a juvenile battery charge just was 17 when it happened It's been expunged The marine corps recruiter said I could But is the army different?

Yes, it is possible to join the US Army with a juvenile battery charge. You would still have to receive a waiver despite the charge having been expunged.

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How do you get a battery charge off your adult record?

have the charge expunged via an attorney

Can you have a DUI charge expunged in IN?

You may be able to have the criminal charge of DUI expunged (although I seriously doubt it), the DMV record is NOT expungable. It becomes a permanent part of your driving record.

How can my husband have his domestic violence charge expunged from his record and I can't get a fabricated child abuse charge expunged from my record?

Maybe he's just telling you that, or maybe he wasn't actually charged with Domestic Violence but with a lessser offense such as . . . . . perhaps Simple Assault. The actual charge of Domestic Violence cannot be expunged.

If someone as a felony charge when they were a juvenile and gets a speeding ticket as an adult does the felony come up?

can it, yes it can, will it, depends on were you are and were the original crime happened, and what type of system the law is usuing were you are pulled over or in court, you can go to a lawyer and have your juvenile record expunged so then it wont just pop up

Can you buy a gun in Texas with an expunged domestic violence charge from Georgia?

Charge- yes. Conviction- no.

How can you get a job with a simple assault charge?

If you qualify for it, you can petition to have the conviction expunged.

How do you get a charge of fugitive off of your record?

All states have some kind of expungement law. However all are different from one another. You must research the law for your state to see (1) if that particular charge can be expunged, and (2) if you are eligible to have it expunged. Your best bet is to contact an attorney to assist you. Getting a criminal charge expunged is not a do-it-yourself project.

How do you get a violent offender charge changed to non violent?

you don't without getting the charge overturned and the record expunged