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You can know because they look at you a lot, they come over to you and sigh as they walk away, and how you know when they want to tell you that they want to be friends again is that when they first start a sentence off with, " you...umm" that means they're going to ask you to be friends with them again and if they invite you to a party, they want to tell you that they want to be friends again at the party.

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Q: How do I know if someone wants to be my friend again after telling me the friendship's over?
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Yes. Tattling is telling even if it's right, and therefore you are a tattle tale. Even if telling is the right thing to do, IT IS STILL TATTLING. RE: don't erase my answer you nut! /Tattle is when someone tells on someone repeadily. (or anyone in general) So if this is a firstt and last,..... then you ain't a tattle! ps: don't delete my answer ever again. RE:RE: Hey I remember answering a question just like this, but theres a different answer now. I wrote "Tattle-tailing is not so much "Telling on someone" or "Ratting them out." It's more of doing those acts repeatedly." ex. "Jacob keeps telling on people, He's such a tattle-tail! now dont change my answer