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Technically, Judaism isn't a religion, it's a way of life. (Religiously observant Jews) Jews live Judaism in their every action, by praying three times a day and 4 times on Saturday, by keeping kosher, by giving charity, and the list goes on.

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Q: How do Jewish people practice judaism?
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Where do people meet to practice Judaism?

The Jewish place of worship is the Synagogue.

Use Judaism in a sentence?

Judaism is one of the world's oldest religions. People who practice Judaism are called either "Jews" or "Jewish people."

How do people who are Jewish practice their religion today?

That depends on which branch of Judaism they identify with.

What is a Jew or judaism?

Judaism is the religion of Jewish people, or Jews. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Judaism is the religion of Jewish people, or Jews. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What religion was practiced by the Jews of Judea?

Judaism ... the religion of the Jewish People ... is comprisedof a single religion, known as "Judaism".Judaism ... the religion of the Jewish People ... is comprisedof a single religion, known as "Judaism".

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This question is not grammatical and doesn't really make sense. Can you re-phrase it?

Statistical number of Jewish people in the UK?

There are about 280,000 Jews in the United Kingdom. This number includes about 20,000 people of Jewish ethnicity who practice religions other than Judaism.

What south american countries practice judaism?

Jews practice Judaism wherever they live. There are Jewish communities in every South American country.

Is Charlie Rose Jewish?

Charlie Rose is not of Jewish heritage, nor does he practice Judaism.

Can I practice Judaism if I am Jewish by Israeli law?

Anyone can practice Jewish traditions in private, but to fully be Jewish requires acceptance by a Jewish community because full practice of Judaism involves communal as well as personal acts. Israeli law admits some people who are not Jewish by the definition of even the Reform movement, which has the broadest definition of who is a Jew among the larger branches of Judaism. (Why does Israeli law have such a broad definition? Because it was designed to save the lives of those who are persecuted because of their Jewish ancestry, regardless of their status as Jews under traditional Jewish law.)

Is Jewish people judasim?

Judaism is the religion of the Jewish people.

What percentage of people practice Judaism in the Israel?

75% of the population of Israel is Jewish, but not all Jews identify themselves as "practicing."