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Simple we got the best hair for one, & another Puerto Rican are part Indian , and idians hair grows quick, remember puerto ricans are part black Indian , & Spain

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Q: How do Puerto Ricans grow hair so quickly?
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Does a puerto ricans hair grow fast?

im puerto rican and my hair grows back every 2 weeks after i cut

How quickly do dogs hair grow?

Depends on the dog.

What is the difference between dominican hair and Puerto Rican hair?

Well it depends if you have more black in you then you'll probably have more stiff nappy hair! But if u have more puerto rican in you you'll either have naturally straight hair, naturally curly hair or both... because us puerto ricans nationality is african, spain, and taino indian so basically were mixed with everything... I don't really no dominicans nationality but I'm not trying to be racist I'm just saying puerto rican hair is more natural then dominican hair, that's personally my opinion

Are most puerto ricans black?

This is the same as asking if Americans have Black in them! The answer is some do and some don't. Puerto Ricans are people born on the island but their ancestors come from all over the world. Now most but not all Puerto Ricans have some African ancestry. DNA studies are showing that the average range of Afican quantum is 12 to 25% or within an eighth to a fourth African ancestry. Of course we also have people of Full African Ancestry with no mix but it appears to only be 2% of the total population.

How can you make your hair grow very quickly?

To make your hair grow long you need to drink lots of milk and take caclium pills.

Will biotin grow your hair quick?

Yes, biotin can help hair grow quickly. Especially if it's taken along with protein and Vitamin B.

How do you grow your hair longer quickly?

The best way to get long hair quickly is to have hair extensions put in. In lieu of that, taking vitamins and eating right is the best way to help hair grow. Specifically, taking biotin or prenatal vitamins are a good idea because they are great for healthy hair growth.

What to drink to make your hair longer?

There's no special drink to magically grow amazing hair. But getting a little trim every now and then can help your hair grow more quickly.

How do you grow long hair quickly?

Hair grows at about a half inch every month. Using Vitamin E on the hair or eating it can help the hair start to grow faster. Another way is to wash the hair regularly and condition it.

Why doesn't the hair on your arms grow as fast as the hair on your head?

This is because of evolution--genes control how quickly hair grows on certain parts of the body. A mutation in these genes can cause the genetic disease called hypertrichosis, which is a condition that makes hair grow much more quickly in certain areas than it usually would.

How do you grow puberty hair over night full?

Pubic hair does not grow overnight, and there really isn't much you can do to increase the rate of growth. But it does happen pretty quickly and before you know it you will have a full adult distribution of hair.

How do make your hair get long?

a lot of protein seems to have a great affect on hair growth. it also makes your nails grow very quickly.