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Just because a group of people belong to the same party does not mean that they feel the same way about everything.

You'd need to ask the specific republican than you are wondering about how he or she feels.

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14y ago

republicans are for the Iraqi war. strong national offense and if that means we need to go to the the war then we will.

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In favour.

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Q: How do Republicans feel about the war in iraq?
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Do all Republicans agree on the War in Iraq?

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Those who protest the war in Iraq feel that we should not be at war. They may feel that there is a need to bring our soldiers home. Whatever their reasoning may be, hopefully they are respectful in voicing their opinion.

Do republicans support the war in Iraq?

Yes, the second ammendment in the Constitution simply states that we should have "a well regulated militia"

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Republicans love the oil

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Iraq war

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stop the war in Iraq please stop the war in Iraq please stop the war in Iraq please stop the war in Iraq please

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Who was in the Iraq war?

The people involved in the war in Iraq are the US, Iraq and the UK.

What war began in 1980 after Iraq was invaded?

There was a war that began in Iraq in 1980, but the war began with an invasion of Iran, not Iraq. That war is the Iran-Iraq War and lasted from 1980-1988.