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they normally look for the person who they know that can't fight back. Maybe they might not play sports or are small. Sometimes short people or the people that like to do dumb things like to party a lot and can't stick up for themselves.

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Q: How do abusers pick their victim?
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Do abusers also tend to be stalkers?

Many abusers end up as stalkers.If they haven't found another victim then they will probably stalk or try to reconnect in some manner.MY ANSWER ISSometimes! They will when they are good or bad IDK

What are common tactics abusers use to win you back when they see you getting stronger?

When abusers see their victim gaining control they can do one of two things ... fly into a rage and perhaps harm their victim, or, they can be syrupy nice and do everything to win you back (sending you flowers; taking the blame for the abuse, etc.) Don't get suckered in! Abusers have deep-rooted psychological problems and until they go for help (few ever do) they will always victimize their mate(s). Stay strong and move on Marcy

Do emotional abusers ever stop on their own?

No, and most never go for therapy because they don't feel they need it and every problem they have is always someone else's fault. They are about mind-bending control, cruel, self-centered and mean. They enjoy controlling their victims. People who abuse are actually spineless wonders because they pick on those that don't have the strength physically or emotionally to deal with them. A male abuser of a woman seldom will pick a fight with a man. If another man goes after an abusive male for hitting his g/f or wife, the abuser is basically chicken! Many abusers are chameleons and are nice when others are around and miserable to their victim(s)while some abusers play mind-games with their victims right out in the open in front of family or at parties. Most people miss the mind-games, but the victim gets the point.

Do abusive men constantly break up with their girlfriends to gain control?

Yes some can, but they will never truly leave their "victim" alone. It's a form of mental abuse. The victim usually finds it very difficult to be on their own or, they are terrified their abuser will actually come back into their life. Abusers love to "put down" their victim and make them hurt. Abusers can have several women in their lives (he may not abuse all of them), but, because of their abusive nature they know they can always come back into the victim's life and they do! Only the person being abused can stop this cycle of abuse.

What is a living that that is a victim of predetors?

Every living thing is a victim of predators during some stage of the Food Chain. You can pick any animal or plant and it will be a victim of predation.

Can an abuser have wittness to testify against the victim to prove the abusers not guilty?

Certainly. In this country people are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

How do abusers respond to a victim's anger?

It depends on the abuser and what's going on in his mind. It also depends on how the victim expresses anger. Unfortunately, there isn't a simple answer to that question. It could take years of therapy to help you understand more about the dynamics of the abuser/abused relationship.

Do abusers sometimes threaten to end the relationship or pretend they aren't quite sure if they want you anymore?

Abusers are about control and mind-bending games. They love to "toy" with their victim (and you are a victim!) They are very unhappy with themselves and don't know why, so their pleasure is picking on the ones close to them. Even parents, children and the elderly can be mentally or physically abused. If any abuser threatens to end the relationship tell them to tie a red bow on their butt and head out the door or the victim should leave. Get rid of anyone that is abusive because they will seldom seek counseling and the environment will only get worse for the victim. If a victim chooses to stay with their abuser (women can be abusive to men as well) the victim will become isolated from family and friends and only have a life of misery. Love is not about hurting your partner.

How do you identify victim in crime scene sketch?

by pick out the person in a line up

Why do victims of abuse blame themselves?

Abusers often manipulate the victim to make them believe that everything is their fault. The guilt is unjustified, but it sometimes takes a long time for them to realize and come to terms with. You should be very sensitive to a victim who is in this position, and give them the reassurance that they deserve. This is not their fault, and the abuser wants this reaction to convince the victim to go back with him.

How would an abusive ex feel when he saw you sitting in a courtroom without emotion when he was sentenced?

Only he alone knows how he feels, but, my guess would be he'd have resentment towards you because in his abusive state towards you (the victim) he does not truly believe he has done anything wrong. Abusers take total control of their victims and they feel that the victim is their property just like their home and car. Jail or prison time does not generally help abusers nor does counseling. The stats are very low that abusers will ever change. Good for you for taking this abusive behavior to the court system and you should be proud of yourself. Marcy

Do emotional abusers feel pain when their victim is gone?

This depends on the person because everybody is different. This person was/is probably abused in their past or in the present and may not know how to respond to a situation without violence.