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Q: How do angelfish protect their young?
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Do angelfish protect their young a lot or a little?

They protect them while they are eggs but may eat them once they hatch

What are angelfish young called?


How does angelfish protect itself?

by comaflashing in its suroundings becouse of its skin

What can an angelfish do to protect itself?

by comflashing in its surroundings because of its skin.

What are the defenses of angelfish?

Angelfish usually dart away from trouble, but if protecting young, they nip at opposing fish.

What is fascinating about angelfish?

Almost everything from their shape to their behaviour in a shoal, to the way the parent fish choose their partners and then breed and look after their young. Angelfish are truly amazing creatures.

Do angelfish eat there babies after they hatch?

Some angelfish do eat their own babies. Many do care and parent their young. The ones that eat them usually do it because of not knowing how to parent or getting bored with the babies. Many angelfish also eat the eggs that were not fertilized.

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How do jellyfish protect young from extreme weather?

They don't protect their young they have to do it by themselves

Do angelfish defend other fish?

They will defend their own breeding area and their fry or eggs. They will not protect or defend other fish

Is an emperor angelfish an angelfish?

No it is not, as you can see, the queen angelfish is much more colourful. The angelfish is just black and white. Except for the male, it is colourful but not as colourful as the queen angelfish.

How do vertebrates protect their young?

they protect their young against predators who would like to harm them and protect them from hunting by humans protect their nerves n spinal cords