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For the animals that live there it is their habitat, so they behave normally.

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Q: How do animals behave in the Amazon Rainforest?
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Related questions

How many animals live in the understorey of the Amazon Rainforest?

over 50% of the animals in the world live in the Amazon rainforest.

How do animals in the rainforest behave?

animals in the Rainforest behave very differently to us. They would hunt for food and take very little notice of other different types of animals.

Why is the Amazon Rainforest so dangerous?

the amazon rainforest is dangerous because of all the animals in it .

Is there any meat in the amazon rainforest?

yes the animals

Why does Amazon rainforest have so many different plants and animals?

The Amazon rainforest has so many different plants and animals because of its climate. Its rain and temperature allows organisms to prosper because plants and animals need a warm climate and water.

You want more examples for similes of rainforest animals?

simeli for amazon animals

Can you show me where to find some pictures of the animals that live in the amazon rainforest?

Here, in the link, are lots of images of Amazon rainforest animals. Google, "Amazon Animals" for more information and images.

What animals live in the mamzon rainforest?

Many animals live in the layers of the Amazon rainforest. Some of these animals include spider monkeys, toucans, and jaguars.

What three animals can you can find in the Amazon rain forest?


What animals are in the canopy layer in the Amazon rainforest?

Howler monkey

What animals from the Amazon rainforest begin with the letter O?


How is the Amazon Basin rainforest in danger?

The Amazon rainforest is in danger because if the forest will be cut down the animals will be affected, there is very rare animals living in the Amazon rainforest. Also the environment, everyone goes on about climate change and how bad it is. Cutting down a rainforest will affect the weather. Also the tourism will be affected when I went we got someone that lived near to guide us around the Amazon Rainforest, we payed them.