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simeli for amazon animals

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In the rainforest are there more small animals or more big animals?

Hundreds of animals live in the Rain Forest .

Why are there more animals in the desert better than the Rainforest?

The animals in the desert are better than the animals in the desert because the desert animals can survive like years without water. The animals in the rainforest get water like everyday so the animals in the rainforest would die if they went like a day without water.

What are Metaphors Similes and Onomatopoeia are examples of?

Metaphors, similes, and onomatopoeia are examples of figurative language used to create vivid imagery and engage the reader's senses in writing. They help convey emotions, ideas, and actions in a more descriptive and imaginative way.

Which ecosystem has more of plants and animals?

The tropical rainforest biome or environment has the most plants and animals in it.

Which country has more animals?

probably the rainforest or the African safari and plains

What animals specific animals lives in the amizon rainforest?

birds, toads, frogs, lizards, alligators, and more

Do animals in the tundra tend to have more fur than animals in the rainforest?

Yes. They need more to keep warm in a colder climate.

What can you see in a tropical rainforest?

you can see some jaguars and more animals Bamboos and more trees

Why do more animals live in the rainforest than in forests?

because there's more food and water in rainforests

Animals of the tropical rainforest?

There are bobcats leopard snakes monkeys bat and many more

What enviromental issues is the rainforest facing?

Well obviously people are cutting it down to make residental areas and also many animals are being destroyed which protect the rainforest by bigger and more infuritaing animals.

Can you show me where to find some pictures of the animals that live in the amazon rainforest?

Here, in the link, are lots of images of Amazon rainforest animals. Google, "Amazon Animals" for more information and images.