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Q: How do antibiotics become resistant to antibacterial drugs?
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What is the relation between bacteria and drug?

Your question is not that clear. However, antibacterial drugs are used to defeat the actions of infectious bacteriae. There are, however some bacteria, such as MRSA and "super-infections" which are highly resistant to antibacterial infusions. This usually calls for a "cocktail" dose of antibiotics. In the normal course of antibacterial treatments, however, most antibacterial drugs usually succeed.

How does resistance develop in bacteria?

Bacteria, like all organisms, have phenotypic variations. Some bacteria are resistant to antibacterial drugs and survive the onslaught of these drugs. They then go on to have progeny ( by fission ) that they confer this resistance on so that you have a new population of resistant bacteria.

What are sulfa antibiotics?

Sulfonamide drugs-- A group of antibacterial drugs used to treat infections of the lungs and skin, among other things.

A paragraph on antibiotics ''why antibiotics are not overused?

The more antibiotics are used, the more likely it is for antibiotic resistant organisms to appear. The germ causing the infection can become resistant ("immune") to the antibiotic, then it will basically make it useless in the fight against that germ. Antibiotics are medicines that are used to kill or stop the reproduction in bacteria. Antibiotics are mainly used to stop infections or infectious diseases, and since its discovery,If antibiotics is overused it may kill the benefitical bacteria in our body if we take unneccesarly the drugs become less effective .Antibiotics, however,are not effective against cold and flu as these are caused by viruses.

How do antibacterial drugs become ineffective over time?

Some bacteria get used to the drugs, and they no longer kill bacteria.

Why might a physician be likely to develop bacteria that are resistant to all antibiotics?

The bacteria may have grown in an environment where it is introduced to the antibiotics therefore making it immune to the drugs.

Are bacterial infections more susceptible to drugs than viruses?

Do you mean antibiotics, which only work on bacteria, or do you mean antiviral drugs, which only work on viruses. Not really, as bacteria are becoming very resistant to all antibiotics and some are becoming untreatable. Viruses mutate so rapidly that drugs become useless in time and more need be discovered.

What is mercer infection cure?

You are probably referring to methicillin resistant Staph aureus (MRSA) infection - an infection that is caused by the bacteria, Staph aureus, that has become resistant to most antibiotics. Yes I am but I asked what is it to define it mercer dease

What is the difference between antibiotic drug and antibacterial drug?

AnswerThere is none, they're synonyms.Actually, this is not true. Antibacterial- is a compound that is effective in killing off most microorganisms. Antiseptic- is a compound that prevents, and/or arrest the cultivation of microorganisms. So, they are in no way synonyms!- i=timethe question isn't between antibiotics and antiseptics. According to my Medicinal Chemistry teacher, Antibiotics are made from a living source like plants and antimicrobials are synthetic and made in the lab.hope it helps!Antibiotics are drugs derived from microbes and can suppress and kill other microbe. it is a subset of antibacterial drugs.Anti-bacterial drugs are drugs that can supress and kill bacteria.

Oflin 200 mg Tablets antibiotic or antibacterial?

Antibacterial... (also called antibacterials) are drugs used to treat bacterial infections. They work by slowing down the growth of bacteria that cause contagious diseases. Antibiotics should not be misused as this may result in the emergence of antibacterial-resistant bacteria.

Causes of resurgence of malaria in India?

Malaria parasites become resistant to drugs used to treat them. Also the mosquitoes which carry the parasites also become resistant to insecticide drugs which are used to kill them. This process is occurring in malaria hotspots worldwide.

Why are some bacteria resistant to antibiotic drugs?

Bacteria can become resistant by many means. Antibiotics can affect several different parts of a bacterium such as cell wall synthesis (the penicillins affect this) or protein synthesis and several others. If for example an antibiotic affects cell wall synthesis by inhibiting an enzyme then if the bacteria mutates to overproduce that enzyme then it becomes resistant to that antibiotic at therapeutic concentrations. Or the bacteria could mutate so it does not need that exact enzyme any more and the antibiotic becomes useless. Some of the dangerous pathogens like methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) have acquired resistance to several antibiotics by selective mutation (otherwise known as evolution). Some bacteria are not so good at mutating or are less dangerous as pathogens so they cannot acquire resistance at all or as quickly.Other bacteria can produce spores which are very tough capsules which contain all the genes of a bacterial species but are not viable cells, the spores are highly resistant to antibiotics because they are very thick and do not carry out normal cellular functions so they are not affected by antibiotics. Anthrax and Clostridium dificille can form spores.Some bacteria like Listeria and in some cases Staphylococcus aureus can get inside the human cell like a virus and become resistant to the immune system and also to drugs because it is harder for drugs to get inside a human cell.