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Q: How do bats catch their food with there ears?
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How do bats use there ears to catch insects?

Echo Location really is the answer

How can bats catch food at night?

Bats rely on something called Echolocation to find and catch food at night.

What body parts bats use in getting food?

the ears

Do bats use their eyes or their ears to catch prey?

Most bats catch prey using their ears through a process called echolocation. They send out a high pitch (high frequency sound) which is above the human hearing range, and this sound echos off of their surroundings. Their ears are designed to catch this echo, and then they process the echos to get a sort of "mental image" of their surroundings. See Related Links for more info.

How do bats catch their food?

Bats catch their food, (insects and small bugs) by using echolocation. The echo signals enable the bat to judge the whereabouts of the surroundings and form some sort of mental image of it.

Why don't red betta's have ears?

because they relil on their smell to catch their food or prey and their incredible sight in the dark

What is good about bats ears?

What is good about bat ears is the they can pick up high frequency waves and they are useful for echolocation.

How does a kangaroo use its ears to catch things?

The kangaroo does not use its ears to catch anything. To begin with, the ears are not prehensile, and all they can do is rotate to listen carefully for predators. Secondly, very few species of kangaroos are anything but omnivores. No doubt the bettongs and musky rat-kangaroos which are omnivores use their ears to carefully listen for the movement of invertebrates, but that is completely the extent to which any kangaroo will use its ears for catching food.

Do bats catch and eat fish?

Yes. Fisherman bats catch and eat small fish.

How does dolphin get or catch its food?

The way dolphins find food is by Echolocation. Echolocation means that an animal finds food by using sounds to find things, like bats

When was Ears Like Golden Bats created?

Ears Like Golden Bats was created on 2007-02-20.

Why do some bats have large ears?

Bats that echolocate often have enormous ears to help them hear the echoes of their own clicks.