

How do black bears look?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: How do black bears look?
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What to look for in sizing black bears?

look how big they are

What does black bears look like?

A burnt piece of wood

What do black bears caves look like?

i dpnt know

Do black bears look brown sometimes?

Sometimes, when bears are in the sun, it causes them to look a little lighter than there natural colour. Many people do not notice this, but it can happen not only to bears, but to mostly all animals that are black. Hope I helped. ;)

What do Asiatic bears look like?

Asiatic black bears are about 2 times smaller than american black bears. Males are usually near 330 pounds, and american black bears can be as much as 660 pounds. They have a large cresecent moon-like mark on their chests, and their face is usually rounder with a shorter jaw. Asiatic black bears are much more aggressive than american black bears.

Are black bears and bears the same?

Black bears are a species of bear.

Are there black and brown bears in Pennsylvania?

There are black bears, but no brown bears there.

What does a black bears muscles look like?

They look like meat, same as any other animal's muscles.

Does black bears have claws?

i think so but look on diffrent websites so DO NOT ERASE THIS

What is PANDAS?

Panda 🐼 are a animal that look kinda like bears but They have black spots

What do a polar bears look like?

Like a big white bear with a black nose.

How are black bears and brown bears a like?

Well they are both bears:) Polar Bears are actually black! It's just were they live that makes them look white. You will have to do more resarch. It's been a while since I read anything about them. Sorry I wasn't much help