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there are no other kinds of blood types in the world just the same as what we have here in america.

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Q: How do blood types in the us compare to blood types in other countries?
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What are the US blood types?

sir i assume that you are a moron. blood types are not restricted to countries.

Which of the blood types can receive blood from the largest number of other blood types?

Blood AB.

What blood types do a- take and why and why doesnt it take the other blood types?

Blood types usually only take blood of the same type, with the exception of O. Different blood types, such as A and B, will see each other as a threat to the body, a foreign object, and will attack each other.

Do the Japanese have a belief about blood types and personality?

There is a such a belief. It is a very common belief in Japan that personality is based on blood type. It is also a popular belief in other Asian countries.

Which blood types can receive blood fram the largest number of other types?

blood group AB.

Where can I find out more about the four different blood types?

The most common blood type is O. This is referred to as the universal donor. The other three types are A,B and AB blood types. The O type is compatiable with the other three types of blood.

Can O plus blood group marry any other blood group?

Yes, blood types do not affect marriage - all blood types can marry each other.

What are the compatiable blood types?

I believe type O blood is the one blood type that can be matched to any of the other blood types. There is one type of blood, though, that is not compatible with type O blood. However, that is very rare.

Which blood can accept blood from all the other blood types and not change it?


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Which blood types are compatible I have no clue and need help.?

O- is compatible with donating to all blood types. AB+ is compatible with receiving from all blood types. All other blood types are on their own with compatibility.

I have blood type A, and I know that somehow type A is different from the other types, but I would like to know what they are.?

If you have blood type a you can donate blood to other people who have type a blood and to people who have type ab blood. People with type a blood are said to have thicker blood than the other blood types.