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Q: How do changes affect particles?
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How do the particles in matter affect its properties?

when the particles gain energy,they move more vigorously.pressure increases but the volume remains constant.therefore,the matter changes shape as the particles use this energy to break the attractive forces between them....

How does adding energy to matter by heating it affect the energy of its particles?

Adding heat will do one of the following, or both: * The temperature of the substance increases. The individual particles move faster; their kinetic energy increases. * The substance changes its state (for example, when ice melts, it changes from solid to liquid). The potential energy of the particles increases.

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All subatomic particles may suffer changes (if you think to "changes", not to "charges").

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Mass is an extensive property. Because it depends upon on no of particles. No particles changes mass changes.

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The size of the particles of solute do not affect the solubility of a substance, which is determined by its chemical composition, but it does affect how quickly it dissolves. The smaller the particles of the solute, the faster it will dissolve.

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When a body freezes, its particles vibrate in place.

How does energY to matter by heating it affect the energy of its particles?

The particles will vibrate faster

When ice melts the particles of ice changes into other types of particles?

When a solid is heated its particles melts and change into liquid

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no, but climate changes affect natural disasters.