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Chickens lay eggs all the time, but these are not usually fertilised. When a cockerel mates with a hen, the eggs become fertilised and then, if the hen sits on them or if they are incubated, chicks will hatch.

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Q: How do chickens eggs get fertilized?
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Are the chickens eggs fertilized internally or externally?

yes the eggs are fertilized internally

Why eggs are fertilized?

To make more chickens.

Are normal eggs unhatched chickens?

No, normal eggs are not unhatched chickens. Normal eggs are eggs that have not been fertilized and so are fit for consumption.

Do chickens mate internal or external?

Eggs are fertilized inside the hen by the rooster. Hens will lay eggs whether they are fertilized or not.

Is it bad for a hen to try and hatch an egg that is not fertilized?

no that is how people eat eggs. we eat eggs that chickens/hens hatch that aren't fertilized.

Does a chicken lay an egg that is not fertilized?

Chickens will lay one egg every 26 hours, roughly once per day. Most chickens never even see a rooster. All of the eggs you find in stores have not been fertilized and will never grow into a chicken. So yes, chickens can lay eggs that are not fertilized.

What is the difference between laying chickens and meat chickens?

Chickens only lay eggs. Baby chickens (chicks) hatch from those eggs and grow up. If the eggs are not fertilized, however, then they will not hatch. Those are the ones that are eaten.

What is a dud egg from a chicken?

Many people raise chickens for their eggs. When the chicken lays the eggs and egg that is not fertilized is referred to as a dud egg. These are the eggs we get in the market. If the egg is fertilized, you will get a chick.

Are the chickens you eat also egg layers?

Yes, they are. The ones that produce baby chickens have been fertilized, and the ones that we eat are not fertilized. Ask your grocer about the availability of duck eggs.

How do canaries reproduce?

they lay eggs which are fertilized like chickens and all other birds

Can animals lay egg without matting?

Yes, chickens for example, lay eggs without mating. That is where we get eggs for eating. The eggs sold in stores are not fertilized and can never hatch and become chickens.

What age are chickens when they begin have fertilized eggs?

It is not up to the hen whether the eggs are fertilized. That is a rooster function. No rooster, not fertilization. If you have a rooster with access to the hens, as soon as they are able to lay, chances are he has done his job and they are fertilized.