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Since a cockatiel's (hands) are behind it's back the cockatiel uses it's feet to wobble around perches and ect. Cockatiels can also use their wings for balance if they are about to lean or fall. It's like if you are walking on something skinny such as a rope or a skinny piece of ceament and you put your hands out by your sides to keep your balance, well the cockatiel does the same thing!

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Q: How do cockatiels get around mostly?
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Related questions

Are cockatiels native to India?

No, they're native to Australia. If you're seeing them flying around in India, they're feral cockatiels and escaped or freed pets.

Can cockatiels live with poultry?

It is very bad for cockatiels to be eating poultry but to be living around that envirment can make it very sick so poultry is a big, N.O.

Where do cockatiel birds live?

Cockatiels are native to Australia, occurring mostly in the eastern half of the continent and the north. They are rarer in Tasmania than in the other eastern mainland states. There are small populations of cockatiels around the settled areas of Western Australia, particularly Perth, mostly because of accidental (or deliberate) releases from aviaries. Cockatiels are now kept as pets all around the world as they have a good temperament and are easily tamed.To see the distribution of cockatiels in Australia, see the related link.

Do cockatiels have parasites?

Yes, cockatiels can get parasites.

Do cokatailes like long drives?

I'm assuming you mean 'cockatiels,' the bird. :) But, no, they usually don't. Many cockatiels won't stop moving around and yelling, since they have no idea where they are.

Why do cockatiels flap around?

to spread there wings often when they don't get to fly around or don't have a big enough cage.

What subclass do cockatiels belong to?

Cockatiels are a type of cockatoo.

Do cockatiels have a lump on their throat?

Cockatiels should not have a lump on their throat.

What class do cockatiels live in?

Cockatiels are parrots, and members of the cockatoofamily.

Can cockatiels live with baby chickens?

No, cockatiels should only be housed with other cockatiels. Not only do other types of birds have different types of diets, but they also have different personalities and will sometimes clash with cockatiels.

Are lutino cockatiels male or female?

Lutino cockatiels are a colour not a gender. However, it does happen that because of the genetics and chromosones they are most often female although there are some males lutinos around (or there wouldn't be any left.)

Can cockatiels be white?

Answer: Sure, they can. When cockatiels are white, they are either of the Lutino breed, or they are albino.