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The same as Meteorologic Wind maps, the closer the lines of Gradients are spaced to each other, the greater are the represented Gradients, be they wind or slope or elevation.

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Q: How do contour lines show elevation and slope and relief?
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What symbols on a topographic map show elevation relief and slope?

contour lines

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What is the contour like on a map where the relief is low?

Contours show the elevation above sea level. The steeper the slope the closer the contour lines. Therefore, on a low elevation the contours will be far apart.

What is the contour interval like on a map where the relief is low?

Contours show the elevation above sea level. The steeper the slope the closer the contour lines. Therefore, on a low elevation the contours will be far apart.

What do contour lines on a topographic map show?

They show the relief of an area. They will have height values attached to them. The distance between contour lines gives an impression of gradient. The closer they are together, the steeper the slope.

What kind of slope does close contour lines on a topographic map show?

elevation. the closer the lines the steeper the slope.

How Do Topographic Maps Differ From Relief Maps?

On a topographic map, elevation is represented by countour lines, which is two lines that connect without intersecting. Relief is also shown by contour lines but also with a variety of other methods, such as shades and colors.

How do the countor lines on a topographic map indicate the slope of land?

Each contour line represents a rise in height (elevation). The closer the contour lines are on the map, the steeper is the slope.

What kind of topography does contour lines that are far apart indicate?

Contour lines that are far apart indicate a gentle slope. Because contour lines connect points with the same elevation, wide spacing indicates that the elevation is not changing drastically.

What is the definition of a contour line?

- Contour lines never cross. All lines on a contour line represent one elevation.- The spacing of contour lines depends on slope characteristics. Contour lines that are close together show a steep slope. Contour lines that are far apart show a gentle slope.- Contour lines that cross a valley or a stream are V shaped. The C points toward the area of the highest elevation. If a stream or river flows through the valley, the V points upstream.-The tops of the hills, mountains, and depressions are shown by closed circles. Depressions are marked with short, straight lines inside the circle that point down slope to the depression.

Do Equal points of elevation on a topographic map are connected by contour lines?

A contour lines connects points of equal elevation.

Contour lines that form a circle indicate?

the top of the elevated hill, slope, or mountain.