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Each coral polyp uses stinging tentacles which they wave to capture passing zooplankton, including copepods and fish larvae.

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Q: How do corals capture their prey?
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The examples of cnidarian?

Examples of cnidarians include jellyfish, corals, sea anemones, and hydroids. Cnidarians are characterized by their radial symmetry and specialized stinging cells called cnidocytes that they use to capture prey.

Where does coral get its food from?

Almost all coral are predatory, meaning that they capture prey from the water column; this prey is small zooplankton organisms. Some corals also contain a symbiotic algae, called zooxanthellae, that produces sugars and releases some of the sugar to the coral.

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jellyfish and mosquitoes are two creatures that have nematocust a stinging cell used by animals hunting and stunning their prey

Where does coral get its food?

Corals capture microscopic particles from plankton floating or swimming past their tentacles. Their nematocysts (organs on their tentacles that can release a whiplike thread sometimes tipped with poisonous spikes) hold and kill their prey. Some corals obtain most of their food by eating zooxanthellae, a type of algae with which the coral have a symbiotic relationship.

How does an horse capture its prey?

Um ... horses eat grass. They don't capture prey. Maybe you are thinking of another animal.

Stinging cells are a characteristic of members of this phylum.?


What is the function of nematocyst?

prey capture

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What does a nemertea worm eat?

actually nematocysts are stinging cells/ srtuctures of organisms of the Phylum Cnidaria such as corals, jellyfish, sea anemones to name a few. it's used to capture prey and repel predators. but species of this Phylum are mostly carnivorous.

What is the purpose of the tentacles on a jellyfish?

To capture prey.

What does a squid use to capture prey?

its tenticales