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Because the base behind the strory is that Lennie is an outsider and does't fit in with the group and so Crooks words, Crook being black and therfore discriminated against is also an outsider. This makes for very powerful meaning to this novel.

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Crooks, the isolated black stable hand, talks to Lennie about loneliness to emphasize how it affects people on the ranch. His words reveal the pervasive nature of loneliness among the characters, highlighting the struggles faced by those who are marginalized or isolated. Through Crooks' conversation with Lennie, Steinbeck underscores the theme of loneliness as a universal experience that transcends race or background in the novel.

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13y ago

Crooks words on loneliness reinforces two themes within the novel Of Mice and Men. Firstly, it enforces the theme of separation, segregation, and loneliness by drawing another character into a mix of detached characters. Crooks and Curley's Wife both serve as examples of how people on the farm who are different are disregarded, or looked own on. Secondly, Crooks words enforce the theme of the American Dream and its futility. Crooks tells Lennie, within his speech on loneliness, that having one's one plot of land is an impossible dream and that success is so unlikely there is little point in trying.

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Q: How do crooks words to Lennie about loneliness reinforce this theme of the novel 'Of Mice and Men'?
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How do crooks words to Lennie about to loneliness reinforce this theme of the novel?

Crooks uses his own experience of loneliness to empathize with Lennie and highlight how prevalent it is among the characters in the novel. By sharing his feelings of isolation and discrimination, Crooks amplifies the theme of loneliness by showing its impact on different individuals in the story. Through his words, the reader gains a deeper understanding of the emotional struggles faced by the characters and the pervasive nature of loneliness in their lives.

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In 'mice and men' what is the purpose of crooks?

Crooks is a character in "Of Mice and Men" who represents the isolation and racial discrimination experienced by African Americans during the Great Depression. His purpose in the novel is to highlight the pervasive prejudice and social hierarchy of the time, and to provide insight into the effects of loneliness and discrimination on an individual.

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The correct answer would be "the bathroom mirror".

How is crooks treated?

Crooks, a character in John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men," is treated poorly and ostracized because he is the only African American on the ranch. He is discriminated against and isolated due to his race, leading to feelings of loneliness and bitterness.

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Crooks is the African American stable hand in John Steinbeck's novel 'Of Mice and Men.' He is isolated and discriminated against on the ranch due to his race. Despite his intelligence and capability, he faces loneliness and alienation, symbolizing the pervasive racism of the time.

Who said I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an' he gets sick in the novel Of Mice and Men?

The character Crooks said this in John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men." Crooks is expressing the psychological and emotional toll that loneliness can take on a person, highlighting the theme of isolation and its effects on individuals living on the margins of society.

'Of Mice and Men' - is Lennie black?

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