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Q: How do diciduous trees improve soil in the forests?
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What can happen to forests and trees if the soil goes away?

they will die

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what has happened to many deciduous forests due to its fertile soil?

deciduous trees

How can soil erosion be prevented in the forests?

by not cutting tress and by planting more trees

Why is soil erosion worse on farmland than in forests?

Plants hold the soil in place and trees act as a wind break. In a field there are very little trees and soil can be blown around.

How do rain forests help with erosion?

Acid rain in particular generate a large-scale dieback forests. The trees wither, including soil and soil flora become acidic.

Why is soil erosion worse on farmlands than in rain forests?

Plants hold the soil in place and trees act as a wind break. In a field there are very little trees and soil can be blown around.

How can improve the condition of soil?

One can improve the condition of soil by 1. Using fertilisers, pesticides and insecticides 2. Planting more trees 3. If there is deforestation, one should plant teen more trees

How forests prevent soil erosion?

(a)The roots hold the soil in place. (b)The leaves of trees act as an umbrella reducing the force of raindrops hitting the soil.

How can typhoons cause the destruction of forests?

Typhoons can cause trees to fall or be uprooted through strong winds and soil loosened by rain, which will cause soil erosion and landslides. And since the trees will be uprooted, there will be less trees to hold the soil -Tomo-graphy xD

How do typhoons cause the destruction of forests?

Typhoons can cause trees to fall or be uprooted through strong winds and soil loosened by rain.. Without the trees to hold soil in place, heavy rains can wash the soil away.

How does reforestation prevent soil erosion?

Reforestation is to plant trees in forests that have been deforested. The roots of the trees hold the soil together therefore not having soil erosion. But soil erosion can still be done through humans, animals and other elements.