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They provide a heatproof/fire retardant barrier to the fire. They slow the spread of the fire into adjacent rooms and down corridors, giving people time to evacuate and potentially ensuring a safe evacuation path.

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Q: How do fire doors help combat fires?
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Fire doors help combat fires because of what?

Are specifically made to withstand

What does the fire service do to help the community?

They help the community by giving talks and lectures about fire safte, also they tackle fires and help in crime scene investigations.

How can fire help a prairie?

Fire destroys the area, but then new life springs back stronger from the ashes. People are interfering with the prairie ecosystem by stopping or preventing these helpful fires.

What a RACE means in a Fire Safety?

RACE is an acronym that is useful in a hospital fire emergency. It may help to remember: R - Remove patient from the area A - Alert help, call 9-1-1 C - Confine the fire (close doors) E - Extinguish small fire, if able to do so safely It is related to the acronym REACT.

How does a pry bar help you do work?

Firefighters use it to help break open doors in a fire.

How can you describe a fire engine?

A fire engine is a vehicle specifically designed to transport and help emergency personnel extinguish fires.

How do fire brigades help us?

The fire brigade help us by getting rid of fires or rescuing us from fires they are alway at work so we can give them a call at all times . The only time the fire brigadeisnt at work is when they are on strike . They are very helpfull with abnby of these things like house fires and gas leaks . They will be there if there is any sort of big acsident .

How forest fires help people?

Forest fires help people because they give off nutrients to the plants that we eat. If the forest fire lasts too long the plants will die.

Why do conservationists sometimes purposely set a forest fire?

To help protect underbrush from larger fires.

Why was the fire departments build?

Fire departments are built to provide emergency response and suppression of fires in the community. They help protect life and property by extinguishing fires, conducting rescue operations, and providing emergency medical services. Fire departments also play a role in fire prevention and education to promote safety and reduce the risks of fires.

What do you call a person who puts out fires?

A person who puts out fires is typically called a firefighter.

What are the slogans for fire?

Stop, drop, and roll is a phrase to help you remember what to do if your clothing is on fire. Another slogan is "Only you can prevent forest fires."