

How do frogs hunt for food?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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14y ago

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you can hunt with there tounges

Q. Where do frogs live?

A. They live near lakes, ponds, and streams. This habitat helps keep their skin moist, which is necessary to their survival.

Q. What do frogs eat?

A. Frogs are carnivores. They eat other animals, typically bugs and worms.

Q. How do frogs hunt for food?

A. Except for an occasional blink, the hunting frog sits almost motionless. It waits for a meal to fly by, then catches it with it's tongue.

Q. Why do frogs sun themselves?

A. This behavior is called basking. When temperatures are cool, frogs need to bask in sunshine to warm up enough to be able to move. That's because they are cold-blooded, and their body temperature changes with the external temperature.

Q. What is a frog's role in the ecosystem?

A. They eat insects, small fish, and other small aquatic and terrestrial animals. In turn they provide food for fish, some large insects, snakes, lizards, larger frogs, birds, and small carnivorous and omnivorous mammals.

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Frogs will rely exclusively on Eyesight. Most of them have a 360 degree field of view, as well as good sight. It is debated whether they can see color, though most will say they can.

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