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rollin doobiws

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Q: How do homeschooled children do their public speaking lesson?
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Was John Adams homeschooled or public schooled?

He was public schooled.

Is it possible to go to ROTC if you are homeschooled?

In many states, yes. In a majority of states, homeschooled children are still entitled to use the services of their district public school. This includes sports, music, phys-ed, ROTC, labs, libraries, and other services.

How many US children are homeschooled?

That depends on what you mean - how many homeschooled children complete public/private high school, or how many complete homeschool high school? You can get a lot of answers to homeschooling questions at and . To answer your question directly, just about every homeschooled child completes some form of high school or equivalent, and most go on to higher education. But a classroom is not the only place to learn.

Is Josh Hutcherson homeschooled or does he go to public school?

home schooled

Can a 9th grade student get homeschooled instead of a public school?


Do the majority of persons who were homeschooled homeschool their own children?

Yes, I was homeschooled through highschool. I have a third and a first grader who we are teaching at home. I am homeschooled. My parents were not and thought that school was a huge waste of their time. I did go to school for K-6 and I had the hardest time. I am glad I am homeschooled and I plan to homeschool my kids, when I have them. Yes there is alot of people that homeschool throughout the country. It is becoming more and more prevelant these days because of the inherent problems with the public school system. No, not a majority. Some homeschooled adults resented being home school because they missed out on the public school experience or so they thought. Its not a easy decision to home school because you must have a primary bread winner stay at home with the kids. You must check in with the state and school system to be sure your teaching the children properly and that the children are learning on the proper scale. Its tough but rewarding and its a personal choice.

What is mediated public speaking?

What is mediated public speaking?

Why children shouldn't have to do speeches?

Children may not have developed the necessary public speaking skills or confidence to deliver speeches effectively. Forcing them to give speeches can lead to anxiety and fear of public speaking, which can have long-term negative effects. It's important to nurture children's communication skills through supportive and gradual practice rather than imposing high-pressure speaking situations.

Who is more social public schooled homeschooled or private schooled?

well, public and private is more PUBLIC but you get better People skills when you homeschool :)

Do teens like being homeschooled?

I was homeschooled since the 2nd grade up until 9th grade when I went to public school. I've had a lot of experiance being homeschooled. Homeschooling is great as long as you are involved in extra activities.

Is it required that you have to be in school if you want to be homeschooled?

The law requires children to receive a certain amount of education; whether they receive this education at a public school, a private school, or at home, is entirely up to the parent.

What to do if you're homeschooled and you have crush on someone who is in public school?

The regular stuff, except after school.