

How do hybrid animals help humans?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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11y ago

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Mules are an excellent example, Draft animals in both senses- used by the U.S. Army to pull field pieces and canal barges. The Russians attempted, on Government owned collective farms, to selectively improve Reindeer as draft animals by crossing them with Moose (called Elk in Continental Europe) to improve endurance and traction. It is not known how the experiments panned out. Closer to home there are all kinds of mixed-breed dogs.

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Q: How do hybrid animals help humans?
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Why do Humans need Animals to survive?

Animals contain a few of the nutrients humans need to survive, although similar nutrients can be found in non-animal food items. Also, animals help balance the ecosystem.

How does cow help humans?

Cows help humans by providing both milk and meat. Taking care of animals is also said to be therapeutic for many mental ailments.

Can humans survive without animals?

Humans cannot live without animals, due to the fact that without animals, there would be no meat to eat. You need worms to help crops grow and animal droppings to fertilise land. Animals and humans are meat to co-exist together. Taking only what you need from nature :)

How do animals help humans?

== == Animals help humans in many ways: Animals help pollinate plants. Animals help fertilize plants. Animals are part of the food chain and keep ecosystems in balance Animals serve as companion animals, helping reduce depression, loneliness. Animals serve as therapeutic animals in hospitals, nursing homes, etc... Animals work as service animals, such as seeing eye dogs, cancer sniffing dogs, epilepsy, seizure sensing dogs. Some animals are working animals - herding dogs, sled dogs, horses, mules, cows (Pulling carts), explosive, bomb or drug sniffing dogs, scent tracking dogs, seals and dolphins trained by the Navy for security, Search and Rescue dogs, elephants (transportation and moving objects), etc... Animals produce and serve as food for humans. Animals provide us with materials - fur, hides, leather, ivory, sinew, bone, which we can make into housing (teepee, yurts), clothing, tools, etc... Animals can be beneficial in controlling harmful animals and plants - weed eating goats herds, ladybugs eating aphids, etc... Snakes keep down rodent and insect populations that can carry diseases harmful to humans. Animals can transport messages - as in messenger pigeons. Animals can protect humans - guard dogs, llamas guarding the herd. Animals have warned humans of danger - fire, tsunami, etc... Canaries were used to warn miners of deadly gas Animals are used in medical research and testing. Some very helpful medical discoveries have resulted from some of this research. Animals help create medicine - Horses help create snake anti-venom. Animals serve as indicator species, telling humans the health of an environment or ecosystem. Frogs are often the first animal effected in a unbalanced/unhealthy ecosystem. Animals inspire humans. Studying animal form and function can aid scientist, behavioralists, engineerings, inventors. Examples: in creating flying machines, or making something more aerodynamic. Animals can produce fuel for humans - methane from pigs. Animals can help humans hunt - hunting dogs, falcons. Seeing and learning about all the amazing in animals in the world help teach humans to protect world's environment. Animals can make us happy. In the end we humans are members of the animal kingdom. We are animals.

What is it called when you bread two different animals?

Breed* and a hybrid.

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you can help plants by not plucking them,you can help plants by watering can help animals by feeding them,sheltering them, if they are lost giving them to the police.etc!!!!!!!!!!!

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They can harm, help or kill humans. Dogs can protect and help humans. Wild animals such as bears can or may harm. And lastly, forest or mountain animals can severely injure or kill humans, so stay away!

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because animals have feelings as much as humans so why test it on animals when we can test it on humans.

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depends on what kind of help

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by killing all humans

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Snakes and DOGS

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Dissecting real animals is important because certain animals have similar charcteristics to humans. They can help with medical procedures and you can test on animals instead of humans.

No Humus is all dead animals nutrients. Microbes and earthworms can help the humus.?

yes. they help humans food grow which helps the humans by not starving them. Without food humans could not live.If your thinking about animals, animals need plants too, so without plants humans could not live.

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Dissecting real animals is important because certain animals have similar charcteristics to humans. They can help with medical procedures and you can test on animals instead of humans.

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There can be no hybrid of these animals . They have totally different physiology.