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There are a few tricks to stop this, but remember patience is key as they are just babies and not very bright yet. The easiest thing to do is give him a toy everytime he starts biting, as he could be teething and just needs to chew! Wetting and then freezing a wash cloth is very helpful (if he is just teething).

If he is biting for no other reason than just to bite than try this: when he bites you grab his muzzle (gently!) and say no bites, or whatever you want to use, and release but keep your hand near his mouth. He will probably bite again but continue this until he finally stops biting and licks. Always praise him when he licks, even if he bites right after, at least he sort of gets it! Good luck, it takes some time just be patient and consistent - with this and all other training!

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13y ago
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15y ago

Well i bit my dog on the ear but he turned around and bit me in the face.. =[ Tap his nose and firmly say "no!" every time he bites you. My dog was 9 months when we got him

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16y ago

get a dog trainer?

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Q: How do i stop my dog from bitting?
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to stop him bitting hold his mouth for 10 secs and if s/he stops give him or she a treat and cep on doing it 1 a week he or she will stop bitting. from Blake carter age 14

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There are special nail polishes that taste really bad if you bite your nails, but are nontoxic... or.... you can get a really pretty manicure so you won't want to bite your nails

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The best way to stop a puppy from biting is either: 1. give it something that the dog likes to bite and wait until the dog gets tired. 2. Tell the dog to stop, but say it like you mean it ( no shouting or hitting) look in the eye. 3. Or tap the nose and say no. If these help give the dog a treat and keep practicing until the dog will eventually stop biting. DO NOT PUT A MUSCLE ON OR ELSE!

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