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By a chemical released by an axon.

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Juliet Olson

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Q: How do impulses cross synapse between neurons?
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What is the space between neurons where neurotransmitters cross called?

The synapse

Are motor neurons an electrical synapse?

no,motor neurons are not electrical synapse but are normal nerve cells.they help in transmission of electrical impulses from the site of stimulus towards the spinal cord.the impulses have to travel and cross certain spaces or junctions between two consecutive nerves,the axon bulb of one to dendrites of next neuron.

How neurons transmit electro chemical impluses to the brain?

When nerve cells or neurons are stimulated they undergo chemical changes which make little waves of electricity or nerve impulses. These are based mainly on the movement of positively charged sodium and potassium ions through the neurons cell membrane.When the impulses reach a junction-synapse-they trigger the release of chemicals called neurotransmitters. These then cross the synapse and stimulate the receiving neuron to fire impules of their own. Dendrites collect nerve impulses and Axons convey impulses away from cell.

What is the small space between one neuron and the next is called?

A synapse, chemical signals called neurotransmitters cross these gaps, carrying on the signal.

What happens at the synapse between two neuron?

At the synapse, the electrical impulse between the two neutrons at synapse set of chain chemical reactions which create a chemical impulse at the synapse.

What is property of synapse?

Here are some definitions of the word synapse: 1. The association of homologous chromosomes with chiasma formation that is characteristic of the first meiotic prophase and is held to be the mechanism for genetic crossing-over. 2. The definition of a synapse is the junction between two neurons or nerve cells where there is a small gap that neurotransmitters help nerve impulses to cross. 3. In popular culture, "synapse" is often used to describe a thought in a most artistic form, or even a "jerk reaction" to a certain stimuli. It would seem that the term means a place where two things (or ideas) come together or a union is formed. The synapse in the nervous system is a very tiny space when information is carried by neurotransmitters to allow the information to continue on.

What is the small gap between neurons called?

The small microscopic gabs b/w the two neurons are called "Synapse". The conduction of nerve impulse through this synapse is made possible through Neurotransmitters. As the impulse reaches at the Pre-synaptic membrane the small vesicles release these Neurotransmitters which initialize the impulse in post-synaptic membrane.

A synapse consist of?

A synapse is the connection between two neurons. It consists of the synaptic cleft (the physical gap between one neuron's axon and the other's dendrite). Neurotransmitters cross the gap from the axon to the dendrite and affect whether the next neuron fires.

How do nerve impulses cross the gap between the axon and the next structure?

Curently unknown...

How does an impulse cross a synaptic gap between two nerve cells?

Neurotransmitters send the impulse across the synapse

How your brain and sensory organs get information from the outside world?

Your brain has about 100 billion neurons, all of which are interneurons. Each of these neurons may receive up to 10,000 messages from other neurons and may send messages to about 1,000 more. Every day, billions of nerve impulses travel through your nervous system from neuron to other neurons or body structures. The place where a neuron transfers an impulse to another structure is called a synapse. At the axon tips, electrical signals carried through the neuron change into a chemical form. This change allows the message to cross the gap. The message then continues in electrical from through the next neuron.

Where is the synapes located?

A synapse is the junction in between neurones where the original electrical impulses being used to send messages to and from receptor and effector, must be converted into a chemical form and cross a gap between the dendrite and axon terminal. This gap is also commonly known as a synaptic cleft. Now since these synapses are used for neurons to communicate with each other, since neurons cannot communicate directly. Neurones occur all over the body as parts of the nervous system so therefore so too must synapses occur lest the presence of the neurones would be pointless. SUMMARY : Synapses occur throughout the body, wherever there are senses present.