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Every living thing on this planet has genes. What genes mainly do is tell your body how to build itself. They are like a construction plan. The genes go on from generation to generation. The father's genes go together with the mother's genes and the result is something that is like the parents. Basically, the cub closely resembles its parents just like you resemble your parents.

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Q: How do inherited genes make a tiger cub closely resemble its parents?
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How much of a dogs genes is inherited from its father?

(1/2) - Half from each parent.

What are some responsibilities of genes?

genes carry the traits of the parents to be passed on to the offspring. they are also responsible for diversity, because genes also mutate. genes can express differentially depending on its environment. gene expression is regulated

Should you breed male father dog with female offspring?

No. This is inbreeding - something no responsible breeder would ever do. Due to the parents will be so closely related, there is an increased chance of ending up with congenital defects in the pups as a result of inbreeding. It is not a chance any responsible breeder would take, as the health of any pups would be the most important consideration. A father-daughter (or mother-son or full sibling) mating would be risky, at best. The more closely related the parents, the greater the chance of their offspring suffering from an inherited disorder. This is because when animals are related to each other they are far more likely to be carrying the same defective genes. When these defective genes pair up in the offspring, inherited diseases occur. Inherited diseases can cause significant suffering and reduce quality of life for the offspring. Other, more long-term effects of inbreeding can include a decrease in genetic variation, which in turn causes an increase in the prevalence of inherited disorders, increased mortality rate and increased infertility, for example.

What is the difference between enviormental and inherited traits?

the difference is that inherited is something you are born with and are from the same spieces and are the genes from your parental for example you have black eyes that is inherited. environment is some thing that your not born with and you pick it up from the inviroment hope this helpz x :) BTW how old are yuuh because im 13 lol.

What are learned and inherited behaviors of bats?

flying and sleeping upside down during day(nocturnal) are in genes or instinct while hunting and finding food is learned.

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which genes does melinda feel she has inherited from her parents?

How is the blueprint for life passed from parents to offspring?

The blueprint for life is passed from parent to offspring through sexual reproduction and the transfer of genes. The genes ensure that the offspring develop traits that closely resemble those of the parents.

Is the blueprint for life passed from parents to offspring?

The blueprint for life is passed from parent to offspring through sexual reproduction and the transfer of genes. The genes ensure that the offspring develop traits that closely resemble those of the parents.

How do genes relate to inheritance?

An individual's genes are inherited from their parents. It can never be determined what genes an individual will inherit from their parents, but every gene an individual has is inherited.

What causes inherited diseases?

Genes that are inherited from your parents cause inherited diseases.

How do foxes resemble their parents?

They resemble their parents due to chromosomes which give them inheritance of their parent's DNA and genes

What is inherited genes?

"Inherited Genes" is simply the genes you inherite from your parents. Those genes make your sex, color of your hair, spaceing between your eyes, and everything about you is made up of genes passed down by your parents.

What does non-genetic mean?

Not related to DNA. Genes are what are inherited from your parents, which is why you have similar traits to your parents. Genes are made from DNA.

How tall will a girl be if her parents are 5'0 and 5'10?

Depends which genes she inherited.

What determines genes is it just luck?

Genes are determined by heredity; they are inherited from both male and female parents, who in turn inherited their genes from their parents, etc. In the broad perspective, genes are the product of biological evolution. There is also a minor element of random chance, which you might call luck.

Why is Huntington's disorder called an inherited condition?

Because the recessive genes that cause the condition are inherited from the parents of the sufferer.

Are Blood types are inherited through genes.?

Yes, blood types are inherited through genetics of your parents and ancestors.