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Q: How do kimberlite pipes form?
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Do all volcanoes have kimberlite?

No. Most volcanoes do not have kilberlite. Kimberlite is a rather unusual form of igneous rock found primarily in kimberlite pipes.

How many kimberlite pipes are in botswana?

This is impossible to answer with a finite number, because there may be undiscovered Kimberlite pipes in Botswana.

Where are the world's most kimberlite pipes?

South Africa has the most kimberlite pipes. The link below has more inforamtion you might be interested in.

How do trucks get to the bottom of a kimberlite pipe?

Kimberlite pipes are typically quarried using open pit mines.

Are kimberlite lamproite and serpentinite volcanic pipes common in California?

There are no known kimberlite or lamproite volcanic pipes in California. There are many serpentinite bodies present, but these are generally not volcanic pipes and are not of deep seated origin.

How do kimberlite pipes and diamonds form?

These pipes are volcanic in nature and are formed like most volcanoes: heat and molten material within the earth's core erupt to the surface.

Are most most diamonds formed inside kimberlite?

All diamonds are formed from carbon. Kimberlite and diamonds are both erupted to the earth's surface via volcanic pipes. Kimberlite is an indicator mineral, increasing odds for geologists that a volcanic pipe includes diamonds: not all pipes erupt diamonds with kimberlite. Kimberlite can be considered a 'neighbor' or 'kin' of diamond, but not a source.

Where can you find Raw diamonds?

In 'kimberlite pipes' which are volcanic vents deep underground in South Africa, Brazil, Canada, Australia and India. Also in river sediments the flow over these pipes, and kimberlite pipes in other parts of Africa.

Why are diamonds most commonly found in Africa?

Diamonds are brought to the surface from the lower mantle by means of kimberlite pipes. Kimberlite pipes are only found within old cratonic crust, such as Africa.

Where can you find kimberlite rock?

in kimberlite pipes. these happen in many parts of the world (including the U.S.) but they seem to be most concentrated in southern africa.

What is a craton and what is a kimberlite pipe and how are they linked to the discovery of the diamond?

A craton is 'an old and stable part of the lithosphere' -- the earth's crust. One class of inclusions in the formation of the earth's crust when subductions of crust were folded into the deep, kimberlite diamond areas that lie about 150-450 K below the surface. Diamonds as we know them are exploded to the earth's surface through kimberlite pipes, which are carrot shaped and widest at the surface. Although not all kimberlite pipes are sources for diamonds, most diamonds are found in areas where kimberlite pipes occur.

Which layer of earth forms diamonds?

The vast majority of diamonds form within the Earth's lithospheric mantle at depths of around 150 to 190 km. Volcanic activity brings them to the surface in the form of volcanic pipes known as kimberlite or lamproite pipes.