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through pupil

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Q: How do light rays travel to your eye from a lighted candle?
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How do light rays travel light ray?

Light Rays travel in straight paths as transverse waves. It needs no medium to travel along.

Why do gamma rays travel at the speed of light?

Gamma rays travel at the speed of light because both light and gamma rays are variants of the same thing: electromagnetic radiation.

What effect does the material in which light rays travel on the rays?

It changes the speed of the rays

What effects does the material in which light rays travel have on the rays?

It changes the speed of the rays

What effect does the material in which light rays travel have on the rays?

It changes the speed of the rays

What do light rays need to travel through space?

If light rays did not travel through space there would be no way for them to reach Earth.

Is earth always light?

At any moment, 50% of the earth is lighted by the direct rays of the sun,and the other 50% of the earth is not.Over the course of a year, every point on earth is lighted by the direct raysof the sun for exactly 50% of the time, and not lighted by the direct rays ofthe sun for the other 50% of the time.There is no place on earth that is always lighted by the direct rays of the sun, andthere is no place on earth that is never lighted by the direct rays of the sun.Has the questioner ever noticed it getting dark outside his home ???

What effect does the material in which light rays travel have on the ray?

It changes the speed of the rays

How do light rays travel from the object to the image?

Photon light ray

How does light ray travel?

Light rays travel in straight paths as transverse waves. It needs no medium to travel along.

Light rays travel in a straight line.?


Some fast do light rays travel?

Yes, they travel some fast!