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Both must be translated into a common language. That language is machine code, the native language of the machine.

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Q: How do low level program languages interact with high level program languages?
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What is the program to convert Assembly level language to Higher level language?

There is no such program. Low level languages cannot be converted to high level languages. It's one-way only.

What are the 2 levels of computer science program languages?

High-level and low-level.

How can people program a computer?

You can program a computer using any of thousands of high-level or low-level languages, exen directly in binary (the only thing a computer can truly read). Do a little research on some of the more popular, high-level languages, such as C++, C, and JAVA.

What are high level programming languages how they differ from assembly languages?

High-level languages are easy to read and write. They are not machine dependent and portable from one computer to another. Assembly languages are machine dependent, easier to read than machine code but it's still not easy to read, and the assembler program translates the assembler program straight into machine code.

What is the disadvantage of programming languages?

Without them you wouldn't be able to program :P. Besides that though, each programming language has a different level of abstraction, meaning how closely they resemble machine code. Low-level programming languages closely resemble machine code while high-level languages more closely resemble actual words and are more intelligible. Low-level languages are generally considered harder to learn than high-level languages and take more instructions to do something than a program made in a high-level language made to do the same task.

What is the difference between high level and low level programming?

High level languages are easier for humans to read and program in. They are usually machine independent, and most have a wide variety of programming libraries available for common functions. Low level languages are usually machine specific, such as assembly languages. They lack programming libraries.

Why do high-level languages exist?

To do high level tasks

WHO convert high level program in to machine language programs?

Nobody. Conversion from high-level encoding to low-level encoding is achieved via software, either by a compiler (compiled languages) or by an interpreter (interpreted languages). Some languages, such as Java, use both; compiling to Java byte code which is then interpreted by the Java virtual machine.

Define and discuss high level programming languages?

high level programming languages are languages that are given by the programmer to the system as a input and they are understandable by a programmer

Dis advantage of High-level programming language?

A program written and compiled with a high-level programming languages is slower, and takes up more space, than one created with a low-level programming language.However, the benefits usually far outweigh these disadvantages. It is much more work to write a decent program in a low-level language.A program written and compiled with a high-level programming languages is slower, and takes up more space, than one created with a low-level programming language.However, the benefits usually far outweigh these disadvantages. It is much more work to write a decent program in a low-level language.A program written and compiled with a high-level programming languages is slower, and takes up more space, than one created with a low-level programming language.However, the benefits usually far outweigh these disadvantages. It is much more work to write a decent program in a low-level language.A program written and compiled with a high-level programming languages is slower, and takes up more space, than one created with a low-level programming language.However, the benefits usually far outweigh these disadvantages. It is much more work to write a decent program in a low-level language.

Which is correct source program is a high level language or machine language?

Neither. Programming languages are what we use to create source code.

How many scripting languages are there?

Three type of languages High level Mid level Low level