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Messages reach the brain via one of the sensory organ, like nose, eye, ear, tongue or skin. The impulse travel through the most complicated paths to interpret the messages. That should be beyond the capacity of the science to know this, specially in case of human being. You may know the same in case of primates, with the help of some discovery in near or distant future.

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Q: How do messages reach the brain and interpreted by the brain?
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How fast do messages get to your brain?

It takes about 132 nanoseconds to reach your brain.

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How do pain messages reach the brain?

pain reach our brain by the nerves i think so .

Where are messages interpreted in the brain?

In most cases signals are sent to the brain through the nervous system. Individual signals are transfer from neuron to neuron in the form of chemical and electrical energy that eventually reach the brain.

How do neurons send messages to each other so that they finally reach the brain?

The dendrite carries messages to the cell. The axon carries messages away from the cell. These messages travel to the nerves ,that goes to the spinal cord, to the brain.

What path does smell messages take from the nose to the brain?

the smell travels to the olfactory cells, near the top of the nose. when these cells detect the smell, the cells send specific electrical impulses to the brain, which are then interpreted by the lobe of the brain, located under the skull fissure

Does the spinal cord send messeges to the brain?

No the nerves in the spinal cord send the messages to the brain. Not the actual spinal cord.

What carries messages to and from the brain?

Afferent nerves carry messages to and from the brain.

How long does it take for your brain to send messages to your brain?

Im not sure your brain sends your brain messages. correct me if im wrong people.

In what part of the brain is the temperature interpreted?

The hypothalamus

Which neurons send messages to the spinal cord and brain?

Interneurons send messages from the spinal cord to the brain.

Does the brain receive 100 million messages per second?

the brain is to busy sucking dick to receive messages