

How do nuclear weapons prevent wars?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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14y ago

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Today, if any country decided to send a missile over to our country, we would know via satellite that they had fired (in a matter of mere seconds). By knowing they are sending a nuclear bomb to our country, we would fire one them. This would mean a nuclear fallout; our bombs are at least thirty times stronger than the bombs released at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. This keeps any country from using nuclear weapons on each other for fear of nuclear fallout.

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How did nuclear weapons prevent nuclear war?

As a deterrent.

What was the main purpose of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?

To prevent the spread of nuclear weapons to other nations.

How did the Korean War impact presidents and their acts?

Presidents (Commander in Chiefs) now knew they could NO LONGER declare TOTAL WARS; in the age of nuclear weapons, wars had to be fought as LIMITED to "non-nuclear weapons." Such as Korea & stem the tide of communism.

What did the nuclear non-proliferation treaty intend to do?

Prevent the spread of Nuclear Weapons related technologies to countries that did not already have them.

How didn't nuclear weapons prevent war?

Nuclear weapons only serve as a deterrent to war when both warring nations possess them. If only one nation has them or neither do, a conventional war is still very possible. That is why all of the Cold War wars occurred in third world countries where nuclear weapons were not present. In contrast, the Cuban Missile Crisis (and the corresponding Turkish Missile Issue) did not lead to war between the USA and the USSR specifically because both nations had nuclear weapons which could effectively serve as a deterrent to the other.

What can you do to prevent the use of nuclear weapons?

Unless you are involved in governmental policy making, which most of us are not, the second best way to prevent the use of nuclear weapons is to raise awareness of the dangers of nuclear warfare and hopefully that will cause sufficient interest so that the government will act accordingly.

How did nuclear weapons change history?

Nuclear weapons fundamentally altered the geopolitical landscape by creating a new paradigm of mutually assured destruction (MAD). The threat of massive, indiscriminate destruction led to a heightened focus on diplomacy and disarmament, as the Cold War standoff between the United States and Soviet Union demonstrated. Additionally, the existence of nuclear weapons increased the urgency of non-proliferation efforts, with countries striving to prevent the spread of these weapons to ensure global security.

Us policies used after world war 2 against communism?

Fight wars without the use of nuclear weapons; limited wars.

Are nuclear weapons only used in wars?

Yes, so far the only one used was in wwII.

Why are nuclear weapons a good thing?

Nuclear weapons are a good thing for the United States because they prevent others from using nuclear weapons on the US. In general, the world would probably be a better place without nuclear weapons if it weren't for the fact that they lead to research in all fields of Nuclear Engineering, like Nuclear Power plants and Nuclear Physics. Since nuclear weapons already exist in the world, for the US to get rid of their nuclear weapons would be unwise. Countries that dislike nuclear weapons or even radical terrorist cells and organizations would now have no reason not to launch a nuclear warhead at the US since no retaliation would occur. The strategy of nuclear weapons preventing others from using them against the US is called the Deterrent Strategy.

What can you learn from the Korean War?

That in the atomic age (atomic weapons) only limited wars can be fought. Nuclear weapons would mean total war.

Total war required a nation to do what?

Total war is all out war; using all weapons available. The Korean War and Vietnam Wars were not total wars; they were LIMITED to non-nuclear conventional weapons. Total wars can no longer be fought in this age of atomic weapons, without risking "mutually assured destruction."