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roots hold a plant in place of the soil. like roots ,stems have vascular tissue. this helps support plants .the xylem and phloem in stems connect to those same tissues in the roots .together, the move food for the plant between roots and leaves.

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Q: How do nutrients get from soil to xylem?
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How does nitrogen move from the soil into the xylem?

Nitrogen is carried from soil into the xylem of plants. Without water plants cannot get nitrogen and other nutrients from the soil. Therefore water carries out more than one function to aid in the growth of plants.

Do flowers have xylem tubes?

Flowering plants, or angiosperms, have a vascular system that consists of xylem and phloem tubes. The flowers themselves do have xylem tubes as well, since they require the water and nutrients that xylem brings from the soil. The xylem and phloem of plants are analogous to the blood vessels in animals. Xylem transports water and nutrients that the roots absorb from the soil. Phloem flows from the top of the plant to the roots, bringing the sugary products of photosynthesis to the rest of the plant and to storage structures (e.g. fruit, roots). In short, yes, flowers have xylem tubes.

Do flowers have xylem?

Flowering plants, or angiosperms, have a vascular system that consists of xylem and phloem tubes. The flowers themselves do have xylem tubes as well, since they require the water and nutrients that xylem brings from the soil. The xylem and phloem of plants are analogous to the blood vessels in animals. Xylem transports water and nutrients that the roots absorb from the soil. Phloem flows from the top of the plant to the roots, bringing the sugary products of photosynthesis to the rest of the plant and to storage structures (e.g. fruit, roots). In short, yes, flowers have xylem tubes.

Where are xylem and phloem produced?

Xylem andphloem are formed when they come out of the ground by the soil's nutrients Thank you all. From a sixth grade in California. I learned it this year from my teacher.

What is the function of dicots vascular bundle?

Vascular bundle, containing xylem and phloem, is used to transport water and nutrients from the soil.

Which is transport in the xylem of a plant?

The Xylem of a plant transports water and some nutrients.

The vascular tissues that transport water minerals food and nutrients are?

Xylem transports water up to the leaves.Water:Is absorbed from the soil through root hair cellsIs transported through the xylem vessels up the stem to the leaves.Evaporates from the leaves (transpiration)But the phloem transports nutrients to the leaves.

Why is soil useful for living things?

It provides nutrients and minerals for plants, which is carried up from the root of the plant to it's leaves by the xylem vessels pronounced (Zy.lum) Xylem vessels are long tubes in the plants cells!

What is the role of xylem in the vascular plant?

Transports water and nutrients upwards

What is the purpose of a xylem in a plant?

The xylem transports water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves.