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Q: How do organisms diversify as a result of mutation and selection by the environment?
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What is the relationship between Natural selection and Genetics?

Natural selection ' selects ' from among variations. Some organisms are better suited to their immediate environment and survive and out reproduce other organisms. All these organisms are genetically variant. That is the simple connection between natural selection and genetic variation. ( that variation coming about by mutation and recombination )

What is the order of natural selection?

Simply put. Mutation, variation and selection against the immediate environment.

Is considered an important factor in natural selection?

Mutation is the important " starter " of the adaptive change engendered by natural selection. Variation is key to selection and without variation in organisms there would be nothing to select from for the survival and reproductive success of the organism against the immediate environment.

How a mutation may not affect an organisms traits?

A mutation does not affect an organism trait for a reason. It is neutral which depends on the environment.

Why are mutation and recombination important in the process of natural selection and the evolution of organisms?

When a mutation occurs in the replication process, it changes certain features, like maybe better eyesight, and maybe bigger eyes, or bigger claws, and the meaning of evolution is when something changes into a better form.

How can mutation affect evolution?

Mutation can serve up the raw variation that natural selection selects from, thus alleles are changed over time in populations of organisms; evolution.

What is bilogical?

Biological evolution is the gradual change of an organism's genetics over time. It can make a life-form more complex, more simple, smarter, stronger, or more adapt It can occur from a number of reasons, including mutation: 1. Organisms copy their genetic material into their offspring (reproduction) 2. These organisms make small mistakes when reproducing (mutation) 3. These mistakes are passed on by the offspring (heredity) It can also be natural selection: 1. An organism is affected by the environment it lives in 2. Organisms that don't have "ideal" traits are killed by the environment (selection) 3. The surviving organisms pass on their ideal traits to their offspring (heredity)

Why is variation important for natural selection and what are the main sources of this variation?

Without variation natural selection would have nothing to select from that would confer survivability and reproductive success. on the organisms being selected against the organisms conspecifics and the immediate environment. Mutation and sexual recombination provide the main sources of this variation that is needed to make selection work. Mutation is the variation presented that causes the real adaptive change that can lead to speciation.

What is the starting point for all natural selection?

Mutation and recombination leading to variations in organisms. Without these variations there would be nothing to select from.

What are two of the driving forces behind the process of natural selection?

Spontaneous genetic mutation and pressures exerted on the species by the environment.

What is one factor that affects natural selection?

Mutation is the important " starter " of the adaptive change engendered by natural selection. Variation is key to selection and without variation in organisms there would be nothing to select from for the survival and reproductive success of the organism against the immediate environment.

What is genetic variation in natural selection?

Natural selection ' selects ' from among variations. Some organisms are better suited to their immediate environment and survive and out reproduce other organisms. All these organisms are genetically variant. That is the simple connection between natural selection and genetic variation. ( that variation coming about by mutation and recombination )