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Q: How do pandas feed their babies?
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How do pandas feed their young?

They feed them by collecting food from the wild and giving it to their young. Some pandas breast-feed their babies. Hope this helps!

How do pandas raise its babies?

They feed them milk and nurture them until they leave their mothers

Are red panda babies born in eggs?

Pandas are mammals. They give birth to live young and feed them with milk.

What kind of babies do pandas have?

Pandas will give birth to baby pandas.

How many babies can have a panda have at one time?

i think pandas have about 2 babies at a time! i think pandas have about 2 babies at a time!

What pandas drink?

Pandas feed milk to their young. Baby pandas sleep and eat a lot for about two months after they are born.

What is the niche of giant pandas?

A pandas niche is to feed its cub.

How much babies do pandas have?

They have one

Are pandas mammals?

Pandas are mammals because they give birth to babies and nurse them with milk.Yes. They give live birth, have fur, and feed their babies with milk. They are traditional mammals and not monotremes (egg-laying mammals, like the platypus), or marsupials (pouched mammals, like kangaroos).

Do male and female pandas have babies?

The only female pandas give birth.

How do parents feed their babies?

do the parent seahorses feed there babies

What do zoo's feed pandas?
