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Q: How do pands give birth to cubs?
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What do leopards give birth to?

Leopard cubs.

How many cubs can siberian tigers have?

They give birth to 2 or 3 cubs a day ;)

Do polar bears give birth or lay eggs?

Bears give birth to baby 'cubs' usually 1, 2 or 3 cubs to a litter.

How many babies can the female give to birth?

4-6 cubs

Siberian tigers cubs come out of what eggs and what else?

Siberian tigers are mammals so they give birth to live cubs.

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Cougars give live birth to their babies. Typically 2-4 young, but can sometimes get up to 6 cubs.

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4-6 cubs

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Do pands fight?

Yes, pands do fight. In fact, pands have the highest "domestic abuse" ratio in their entire animal kingdom.

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they only give birth to 2 or 3 cubs at 1 time

How long is a meerkat a pregnant?

From TheBigZoo: "After a gestation period of about 11 weeks, Meerkats give birth to a litter of 2-4 cubs."