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Q: How do people give consent to be governed according to Locke?
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Who thought no government can exist without the consent of the governed?

John Locke thought no government can exist without the consent of the governed.

A key idea in the work of john Locke?

consent of the governed

A key in the work of john Locke is the importance of?

Consent of the governed.

What is John lockes social contract?

john Locke's social contract theory states that people consent to be governed by a society's government. The government must also protect the people's rights.

What English philosopher wrote about the natural rights philosophy and the consent of the governed?

John Locke

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What does the term consent of the governed mean?

The consent of the governed and the social contract are both philosophies by John Locke. They state that a government's citizens agree to give up some of their personal freedoms for their protection by the government.

Which phrase from the declaration of Independence most clearly reflects the idea that the people are the source of government?

The consent of the governed is an idea born of the enlightenment and the writings of John Locke. This is the idea that a government gains its power via the willingness of the people to support it. The US system expresses this notion by holding elections in which the people (the governed) select their representatives to govern (there by giving consent).

What principal states that government authority is derived from the people?

The principal is known as popular sovereignty. It asserts that the power and legitimacy of a government come from the consent and participation of the governed population. Therefore, the government rules with the consent of the people.

The mutual obligations between people and government as understood by Locke?

According to Locke, individuals have an obligation to obey the government as long as it protects their natural rights to life, liberty, and property. In return, the government has a duty to uphold the social contract by protecting these rights and providing for the common good. If the government fails to fulfill its obligations, individuals have the right to rebel and establish a new government.

What English philosopher who called for consent of the governed?

The English philospher who called for the consent of the governed was named John Locke. He believed that people had natural rights. He also thought that in a state of nature, people could be reasonable and moral as opposed to the thinking of Thomas Hobbes. Hobbes believed that people were naturally violent and disorderly.

Who influenced the foundation of modern democracy with his belief in government by consent?

John Locke. He was an English philosopher who argued that governments derive their authority from the consent of the governed. He believed in the importance of individual rights and the idea that people have the right to overthrow a government that violates those rights.