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Q: What English philosopher wrote about the natural rights philosophy and the consent of the governed?
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Who was the eighteenth century English philosopher who theorized that the right to rule came from the consent of the governed?

You are asking about John Locke.

What English philosopher who called for consent of the governed?

The English philospher who called for the consent of the governed was named John Locke. He believed that people had natural rights. He also thought that in a state of nature, people could be reasonable and moral as opposed to the thinking of Thomas Hobbes. Hobbes believed that people were naturally violent and disorderly.

Who influenced the foundation of modern democracy with his belief in government by consent?

John Locke. He was an English philosopher who argued that governments derive their authority from the consent of the governed. He believed in the importance of individual rights and the idea that people have the right to overthrow a government that violates those rights.

How would you use the words consent of the governed in a sentence?

Obama is in the consent of the governed.

Is the consent of the governed an important principle in Brazil?

is consent of the governed an important principle in brazil

Why consent of the governed matters?

Consent of the governed matters because if the governed people do not consent to the governing body, they will revolt against it. It is also considered unjust to rule over people without their consent.

What English philosopher wrote the Two Treatises on Government and essentially stated that it is the governments has legitimacy because of the people and that the government's job is to secure people'?

The English philosopher who wrote the Two Treatises on Government is John Locke. In this work, Locke argues that governments derive their legitimacy from the consent of the governed and that their primary purpose is to protect the natural rights of life, liberty, and property of individuals.

Is the consent of the governed an important principle on the country Japan?

The consent of the governed is important to all issues that are of national interest. Japan normally holds elections to choose their representatives and this shows how the consent of the governed is important.

What is the contribution of Thomas Hobbes?

Hobbes, an Enlightenment Philosopher believed people needed to be governed by an absolute monarch as described in his writing called the Leviathan.

Who thought no government can exist without the consent of the governed?

John Locke thought no government can exist without the consent of the governed.

Is there consent of the governed?

Yes, the governed give implicit consent when they vote for their representatives. Their vote says they want the person to be their leader.

Why does consent of the government matter?

Consent of the governed matters because if the governed people do not consent to the governing body, they will revolt against it. It is also considered unjust to rule over people without their consent.