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There are many ways of greeting each other, depending on age and social status. Formal greetings include:

- Hola (plain and simple equivalent to Hello)

- Hola, buenos dias (Hello, good morning)

- Buenas tardes (Good afternoon)

- Buenas noches (Good evening)

- Como le va? (How are you doing?)

Less formal variants, used with close friends and relatives include:

- Quiubo, Quiubole (from Que hubo or Que paso, equivalent to What's Up)

- Como estas?, Como te va?, Que haces?, Que haciendo? (less formal variants of What are you doing?)

- Que onda, Que tranza, Quepedo (much less formal variants, used only with close friends, but not with family or relatives).

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Q: How do people in latin America greet each other?
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Why do people greet?

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What is the main language for Latin America?

More people speak Portuguese in Latin America than any other language, but Spanish is more widely spoken.

How do people greet?

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