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Q: How do people respond to pollution with the chemical and trash?
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How does the Yangtze affect people?

because of the pollution with the chemical and trash and other people cant drink from it

How does the Yangtze River affect people?

because of the pollution with the chemical and trash and other people cant drink from it

How is trash pollution happening?

people being to lazy to throw trash in the trash can and trash deposits over flowing

Why is the trash a problem to the ozone?

Trash causes pollution. Pollution causes depletion.

What is 5 ways human can cause pollution?

Human can cause pollution by trash throwing trash in the lake or on the ground or by in type of fuels or smoke or gas in the air this is call air pollution but smoking and gas form disels can cause pollution and can be bad for the ecosystem and they can also cause it by throwing all the trash they throw down on the ground help people and stop throwing trash on the ground.

Ways of preventing water pollution?

People should not be throwing trash on the beach

Can recycling benefit from pollution?

Yes, it would because regularly people Will trow all of their trash on the floor but if you recycle that is prevent pollution.

What things are people doing to prevent water pollution?

They can stop throwing trash in the ocean.

What are the source of water pollution in pasig river?

Trash also comes from people who fish or participate in other forms of water-related recreation. Regardless of source or type, trash is a form of water pollution.

How can fresh water be pollution?

By throwing trash and a lot of toxic things. When people throw trash to the river or the other big places, it will get polluted

How does trash kill plants?

From pollution.

What is a type of water pollution?
