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Q: How do people with eating disorders feel about their bodies?
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Salt attracts water, meaning people retain more water in their bodies making them feel bloated.

Can the feeling of inadequacy low self-steem and lack of control of ones life contribute to eating disorders true or false?

Yes, that is the actual reason behind eating disorders. The people who do these things feel that they are not good enough for everyone else and this is one way to make them (think) they are becoming perfect. Another reason eating disorders come around is feeling a need for control. If they feel that someone else is trying to manipulate their life for them, then this gives them the illusion that they are fixing the problem.

Why do young men and women develop unhealthy eating behaviors or disorders?

Young Men and Women develop unhealthy eating behaviors and disorders, sometimes because they're nervous about something so they just eat what they have near them. Many develop eating disorders because they feel that they're not perfect. they have to look this good in order for people to them to like them. And because they can be made fun because of their weight and how they look. That's how anorexia comes into play. That's a reason that young men and women develop unhealthy eating behaviors and disorders.

Why do people with eating disorder try to hide them?

Because they feel insecure about their bodies, mainly. Among many other common sense ideologies. -Ironic

Names of all eating disorders?

Anorexic--Starvation Bulimic--Throwing up everything you eat Binge eating- when you eat and eat and not feel full

Who gets eating disorders?

Anyone can get an eating disorder. Many people with eating disorders may feel like their lives are spiraling out of control and the only thing they can control about their lives are what they put into their stomachs. They have a warped vision of themselves, that they either aren't skinny enough, that they are too fat, when in all actuality they are normal sized or they might even be thin in our standards. They may also be perfectionists and therefore see themselves as "unperfect" and they feel like changing that. Binging is considered an eating disorder and many people with this disorder feel they are causing all the trouble that is affecting them and their lives. Food may be the comfort to them, the one thing that is good in this world of darkness. But in all reality, everyone who suffers from eating disorder all have a different reason or cause. Biological factors have also been tied to eating disorders, some experts state that if you have a family member that suffered with an eating disorder you are more longer to suffer from one.

What is the cotton wool diet?

It is usually followed by people with serve eating disorders, cotton wool balls are soaked in orange juice and swallowed as they expand in the stomach making a person feel full.

Can a twelve year old be bulimic?

Yes they can. It's heartbreaking that so many young girls feel as insecure as they do with their bodies, but most eating disorders start around middle school (12-13) years.

Why is it cold when there are less people and warm when there are more people?

our bodies always releases heat. so, when there are less people in a room, there bodies release less heat and we feel cold but when there are more people in a room there bodies release more heat and we feel warm.

Why people develop eating disorders?

i think that the ppl that are most likely to get an eating disorder are the ppl that just want to go on a diet and loose a few pounds. they are like well i wont eat as much and i will loose a few, but after they loose a few pounds they are like hey i feel good maybe i can loose a few more. well once that starts they just cant stop and that is why.

How do you provent an eating disorder?

Great question. Eating disorders are the result of an inability to properly process emotional feelings. Repressed trauma, etc ... manifest themselves in behaviors meant to soothe and anesthetize, but wind up getting completely out of hand. Start a journal. Develop friendships with people with whom you can develop a trust that will enable you to feel safe saying anything. Get proper sleep and exercise. (most eating disorders are related to a detachment to one's own body.) If you feel yourself to be in danger of eating disorders, get yourself to a 12-step meeting for people suffering from eating disorders. These groups know exactly what the sufferer is going through because they are all living with the same disorder(s), although each may be at a different stage of recovery/functionality. The principles they espouse are rock-solid. It's an ingenious program. No matter how smart or well-educated a doctor is, he/she is looking at you and your disorder... from the outside.

How many people suffer from eating disorders?

Over 8 million individuals suffer from Eating Disorders in America each year.