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phagocytes engulf and then digest the microorganisms to get rid of them.

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Q: How do phagocytes get rid of micro-organisms?
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How can white blood cells fight infections once microorganisms get into the body?

Phagocytes surround and then physically ingest the microorganisms. Lymphocytes produce antibodies to kill the microorganisms.

What helper portion of the cell is a part of the second line of defense against microorganisms?


Can we get rid of all microorganisms on our bodies?

Coughing and sneezing are your body's way of getting rid of microorganisms from our bodies.

A cell that engulfs another cell?

Phagocytes ingest and destroy foreign matter or microorganisms.

What phagocytes mean?

Phagocytes are the white blood cells that protect the body by ingesting (phagocytosing) harmful foreign particles, bacteria and dead or dying cells

Which cells of the liver protect the body by ingesting bacteria and other debris?

i think its phagocytes who engulf bacteria and other microorganisms.

Pathogens are micro-organisms that fight disease?

No. They are microorganisms that cause disease.

How can white blood cells destroy microorganisms?

Neutrophils, macrophages and dendritic cells can all phagocytose foreign microorgnamisms.

What is a description for phagocytosis?

Phagocytes kill microorganisms by killing them directly or by killing the toxins they produce (acting as antitoxins). They are flexible so can engulf bacteria - this is called phagocytosis.

What is the group of proteins that are always present in the body to help white blood cells ingest microorganisms?

The group of proteins that are always present in the body to help white blood cells ingest microorganisms is called complement proteins. Complement proteins work alongside white blood cells to enhance the immune response by promoting inflammation, attracting phagocytes, and directly killing pathogens. They form an essential part of the innate immune system.

The process of coating bacteria with serum protein attachment of phagocytes is called?

in some instances, adherence occurs easily, and the microorganism is readily phagocytized. Microorganisms can be more readily phagocytized if they are first coated with certain serum proteins that promote attachment of the microorganisms to the phagocyte. this process is called opsonization.